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Product Information »  New Products:Electro-pneumatic Regulator Integrated Type 64-station Compatible Manifold Plug-in Compact 5-Port Solenoid Valve JSY3000-P Series

New Product Information

Electro-pneumatic Regulator Integrated Type 64-station Compatible Manifold Plug-in Compact 5-Port Solenoid Valve JSY3000-P Series


Updated Jun-24

  • Solenoid valves and electro-pneumatic regulators can be connected to the same manifold.
    Valve stations/Number of outputs: For 4 to 64 stations /128 points
    ∗ Stations are only available in multiples of 4.
    Electro-pneumatic regulator stations: 1 to 4 stations
    I/O unit stations: Max. 8 stations
  • Equipment integration allows for the centralized management of control and wiring as well as reduced wiring
    Reduced wiring, Reduced number of SI units, Reduced wiring work, Compact

Product Features

Solenoid valves and electro-pneumatic regulators can be connected to the same manifold.

Reduced wiring, Reduced number of SI units, Reduced wiring work, Compact

Equipment integration allows for the centralized management of control and wiring as well as reduced wiring

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