121-210-e-ley-en   75 / 104



Y Y LS + Stroke A + Stroke LT LL LT LG X X Special cap bolt Section XX oXA H9 depth XA 6 x MO thread depth MR L MA MC ML + Stroke (MB) MD MH Outward mounting X Y LS + Stroke LS1 Section XX oXA H9 depth XA MD MC MA ML + Stroke 6 x MO thread depth MR MH LH LY LX LZ 4 x oLD Section XX details XA H9 XB XA Dimensions Body bottom tapped Motor top/parallel: LEY2 5 ョョ -ョョョU 32 ABC ABC Included parts Foot Body mounting bolt [mm] Stroke range (mm) 15 to 39 40 to 100 101 to 124 125 to 200 201 to 400 20 to 39 40 to 100 101 to 124 125 to 200 201 to 500 32 41 49.5 58 36 43 51.5 60 20 25 14.5 18.5 Size 25 32 L MA 46 55 MB 24 42 59 76 22 36 53 70 MC MD 29 30 MH 50 75 50 80 ML Stroke range (mm) 15 to 39 40 to 100 101 to 124 125 to 200 201 to 400 20 to 39 40 to 100 101 to 124 125 to 200 201 to 500 5 6 M5 x 0.8 M6 x 1 Size 25 32 MO 6.5 8.5 MR 4 5 XA XB Body Bottom Tapped Foot: LEY 2 5 ョョ -ョョョL 32 In-line motor: LEY Dョ -ョョョU Body bottom tapped 25 32 ABC [mm] Stroke range (mm) 15 to 100 101 to 400 20 to 100 101 to 500 136.6 161.6 155.7 185.7 99 124 114 144 8.4 11.3 Size 25 32 A LS LL 19.8 19.2 LS1 6.6 6.6 LD 3.5 4 LG Foot Material: Carbon steel (Chromate treated) . The A measurement is when the unit is in the Z phase first detecting position. At this position, 2 mm at the end. Note) When the motor mounting is the right or left side parallel type, the head side foot should be mounted outwards. 2.6 3.2 30 36 57 76 51.5 61.5 71 90 11.2 11.2 5.8 7 LH LT LX LY LZ X Y 196 Series LEY Size 25, 32