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1. Applicable for general industrial water. Please consult with SMC if using for the other kind of fluid. Also, the surge voltage pressure must be under the maximum operating pressure. If the surge pressure exceeds the maximum operating pressure, it will result in damage to fittings and tubing. 2. The value of the max. operating pressure is at a temperature of 20°C. Refer to the burst pressure characteristics curve for other temperatures. Furthermore, abnormal temperature rises caused by adiabatic compression may result in the burst of the tube. Installation on One-touch Fittings Step 1 Step 2 Length of tubing to be inserted into One-touch fittings is indicated on the outer layer of TRB tubing. Cut the tube according to this indication, (Step 1) and then strip off the outer layer (Step 2) for installing into fittings. Pitch indication: All installation lengths with same pitch Cut internal and external layers Strip off external layer only Be sure to read before handling. Refer to front matter 56 for Safety Instructions and pages 13 to 16 for Fittings and Tubing Precautions. Precautions FR Double Layer Tubing Series TRB Caution Caution 425 KQ2 KQB2 KS KX KM KF M H/DL L/LL KC KK KK130 DM KDM KB KR KA KQG2 KG KFG2 MS KKA KP LQ MQR T