6-p0410-0454tube_en   11 / 50



RoHS 6-color variations 8-size variations Abrasion: Approx. (Compared with SMC polyurethane tubing TU series) Black White Red Blue Yellow Green o6 o8 o10 o12 Description Maximum abrasion (mm) After 10 million cycles 0.16 0.46 Wear resistant tubing TUZ series Polyurethane tubing TU series Note) Comparison based on the SMC's specific testing condition 1/3 Series TUZ Wear Resistant Tubing Tubing O.D.: o2 o3.2 o4 o16 417 KQ2 KQB2 KS KX KM KF M H/DL L/LL KC KK KK130 DM KDM KB KR KA KQG2 KG KFG2 MS KKA KP LQ MQR T A