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Dimensions IDU3E to IDU6E IDU8E to IDU15E1 [100 VAC specification] Power cable (Length: approx. 1.9 m) Model IDU3E IDU4E IDU6E Port size (mm) Rc3/8 Rc1/2 Rc3/4 A 270 B 455 483 485 498 568 283 355 275 300 C D 31 E 42 F G 80 230 32 15 240 80 284 15 13 15 H J K L M N P Q Model IDU8E IDU11E IDU15E1 Port size (mm) Rc3/4 Rc1 A 270 300 B 485 620 859 909 960 365 425 130 93 230 258 300 330 80 66 300 470 328 358 15 16 C D 31 79 E 90 54 F G H L M N P Q Compressed air inlet Compressed air outlet Port size Port size [200 VAC specification] Terminal block [200 VAC specification] Power cable outlet (o17) 4 x o13 Ventilation air outlet Ventilation direction Ventilation direction Drain tube (O.D. o10, length approx. 0.8 m) Evaporation thermometer Illuminated switch F G E D J N M H A L K C Q P B Ventilation direction Ventilation direction Ventilation direction Ventilation direction Evaporation thermometer Illuminated switch [100 VAC specification] Power cable (Length: approx. 1.9 m) Drain tube (O.D. o10, length approx. 0.8 m) Ventilation air outlet 4 x o13 N M Q B C [200 VAC specification] Power cable outlet (o17) [200 VAC specification] Terminal block Compressed air inlet Port size Compressed air outlet Port size D F E G H 42 A L P 14 Dimensions Dimensions 45 Refrigerated Air Dryer Series IDUュE HAA HAW AT IDF IDU IDFA IDFB IDH ID IDG IDK AMG AFF AM AMD AMH AME AMF ZFC SF SFD LLB ADョ GD